What Is The Report?

We face countless water challenges - legal, regulatory, quality, quantity, equality - and many times they are interconnected. It can be overwhelming to tackle these wicked problems alone so let's learn from each other.

The Water Report offers in-depth analysis of solutions written by water leaders for thought leaders like you. TWR is the only publication covering the breadth of perspectives and expertise across all the water sectors in an easily digestible, monthly format.

Water scarcity is increasing, the environment is suffering, and society is struggling to balance our water priorities.

Get inspired, stay informed, leverage diverse perspectives from across water fields and geographies with The Water Report. When you want detailed analysis and practical information, you want The Water Report.

What Others Are Saying

"Water lawyers in the West and in other parts of the United States need to know what is going on West-wide. There are always lessons to learn from other jurisdictions. For a good part of my career, I have relied on The Water Report to keep abreast of water management in the West. It has been a wonderful source of information and quality analysis of emerging developments."

Dan Tarlock, Chicago - Kent College of Law

"As an attorney who advocated for tribal water interests, I found The Water Report to be a valuable resource. The feature articles are readable, well-organized and informative. The content is extremely useful in devising solutions to difficult problems."

Sharon I. Haensly, Esq., Attorney (retired) Squaxin Island Tribe ~ Shelton, WA

"I read The Water Report because it provides information about water science, policy, and law news and events that can’t be found in any other publication, online or print. TWR offers detailed, technical, and timely stories about the innovations and decisions that will shape our water future."

Patrick McCarthy, Water Policy Officer at the Thornburg Foundation

"The Water Report is a great source of information about what’s going on in Western water. Whether written by water officials, practitioners, lawyers, and/or academicians, the articles are timely, understandable, and informative. The quick turnaround and professional editorial review have made The Water Report an appealing publication outlet for us at the University of Arizona Water Resources Research Center. In these times of rapidly changing water situations when finding solutions is of utmost importance, The Water Report helps me keep up-to-date about Western water developments."

Sharon Megdal - Director, University of Arizona Water Resources Research Center

"The US West is diverse; from landscapes to land use to water regulation. To understand this complexity, Western lawyers addressing water-related issues - including water quality and quantity, ecosystem credit trading, and cutting-edge environmental permitting - know that to stay up to speed you look to The Water Report."

Tom Lindley - Former Partner at Perkins Coie LLP

"The Water Report is an extremely helpful one-stop shopping resource for water lawyers practicing in the West.  I’ve especially enjoyed the mix of technical, legal, and policy perspectives in the articles.  My law practice was focused on Pueblo Indian water rights but this publication helped me think more broadly about solutions based on lessons learned in the non-Indian water world."

Jessica Aberly - Aberly Law Firm

Upcoming Events

Cybersecurity Risk and Responsibility in the Water Sector

Where: 2520 Wasser Terrace, Herndon, VA 20171
When: 10/02/2024 -
Additional Information

Presented by American Water Works Association. For info: https://www.awwa.org/ Events-Education

NALMS 2024 Workshop: Localizing Project WET to Engage Diverse Youth.

Where: 75 Hwy 50, Stateline, NV
When: 11/05/2024 -
Additional Information

Presented by North American Lake Management Society. For info: https://nalms.wildapricot.org/event-5764536 

39th Annual Water EXPO

Where: 315 S 5th St, Bismarck, ND 58504, USA
When: 01/21/2025 - 01/23/2025
Additional Information

Presented by North Dakota Rural Water Systems Association. For info: https://www.ndrw.org/water-expo/