Author Description
Bruce Baizel is the Staff Attorney for Earthworks, a nonprofit organization that works with communities to address the impacts of mineral and energy extraction. Based in Durango, Colorado, Bruce has worked on oil and gas issues throughout North America, at local, state, national and international levels. He helped develop the language for the federal FRAC Act and has drafted state, county and city legislation and ordinances regulating oil and gas, including model regulations for Montana, Colorado and New Mexico. Currently, Bruce is in the thick of the local, state and federal discussions surrounding hydraulic fracturing. He is one of three environmental representatives on the board of directors of the national multistakeholder organization STRONGER (i.e., the State Review of Oil and Natural Gas Environmental Regulations). Prior to joining Earthworks and the Oil & Gas Accountability Project, Bruce was legal counsel for Diné CARE, a Navajo environmental organization on the Navajo Nation. He was a co-founder and director of community programs for Round River Conservation Studies during the 1990s. Bruce and his family live on a small ranch where they raise goats, a few cows and generate about one-third of the electricity they use from a wind turbine and solar panels.