Barry Dugan

Author Description

Barry Dugan is an experienced writer and journalist who has more than 40 years of experience in communications and public outreach. Barry spent 25 years as a reporter and editor at community newspapers, where he reported on a wide range of issues including water resources, municipal government, and environmental issues. He also spent eight years with the Sonoma County Water Agency conducting public outreach and communications on a variety of topics, including water supply, wastewater, recycled water, stormwater and flood control projects. During his time with Data Instincts, he has done public outreach on a variety of water reuse projects, and participated in research projects on communications. He received a BA in Liberal Studies from Sonoma State University and holds certifications in emergency management and communications.

Authored Reports

Communication Strategies for Advancing Public Acceptance of Potable Reuse Projects - A Vital Task for Our Water Future