Author Description
Randy Budge was raised on a cattle ranch along the Bear River in Bear Lake and Caribou Counties, attending school in Soda Springs. He received Business Finance and Economic degrees from Utah State in 1973 and received his JD degree from the University of Idaho College of Law in 1976. Randy is a partner in the law firm of Racine, Olson, Nye, Budge & Bailey Chartered, with 29 lawyers and offices in Pocatello, Boise and Idaho Falls. His areas of practice emphasize water law, real estate, business, estate planning and public utilities. For many years Randy has represented numerous canal companies, farmers and developers on the Snake, Bear, Portneuf and Malad Rivers. His firm represents the Idaho Ground Water Appropriators, Inc. (IGWA) and its’ seven ground water districts members in SRBA and IDWR administrative proceedings. He also represents the Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association and Monsanto in electric utility matters. Randy was lead counsel in defending the pending delivery call cases initiated by Blue Lakes Trout, Clear Springs Foods and others in the Thousand Springs area, by the Surface Water Coalition canal companies and irrigation districts below American Falls, and by A&B Irrigation District. These delivery call cases seek the curtailment of groundwater pumping from the Eastern Snake Plain Aquifer and are expected to shape the future of water use and irrigated agriculture in Idaho. Randy is also lead counsel in shaping and filing the Ground Water Districts’ mitigation plan efforts. He currently serves on the Idaho Fish & Game Commission.