Author Description
David Aladjem helps clients throughout California manage and resolve water resources management problems, especially those at the intersection of water rights, endangered species, and CEQA/ NEPA. He represents water districts, cities, counties and private companies in obtaining, developing and protecting their water rights. He regularly represents clients in connection with water transfers and about the conjunctive use of surface water and groundwater. As both general counsel and special counsel, David provides clients with unparalleled experience and insight in dealing with the regulatory maze and in negotiating with other water rights holders, state andfederal agencies and environmental groups. He practices regularly before the State Water Resources Control Board, the California Department of Water Resources and other state and federal agencies with control over water resources or endangered species. Recently, David was one of the lawyers who spent untold hours crafting proposals for the new groundwater legislation and who spent much time during the legislative process working on behalf of clients to improve the legislation.