Author Description
Taku Fuji, PhD, is the Senior Toxicologist/Sediment Quality Specialist at Kennedy Jenks Consultants. Dr. Fuji has over twelve years of experience working on issues related to risk assessments and sediment contamination at hazardous waste sites. In addition, Dr. Fuji has considerable experience conducting dredged material characterization and evaluation of disposal options for this material. Dr. Fuji is responsible for developing and conducting human health and ecological risk assessments and designing, implementing and interpreting biological testing programs. Dr. Fuji has considerable experience leading field sampling programs in support of risk assessments and has successfully completed risk assessments using national and regional risk assessment guidance in Alaska, Washington, Oregon, and California. Dr. Fuji has extensive laboratory experience investigating the biotic and physio-chemical factors that influence the bioaccumulation of contaminants from sediments and in the biological testing methods used to assess the acute and chronic effects of sediment contaminants on benthic organisms. He is an expert in the development, interpretation, and use of sediment quality criteria and standards and has led sediment collection efforts under a variety of regulatory programs.