Author Description
Curtis Hinman is a Senior Scientist with Herrera Environmental Consultants. Curtis has 20 years of professional experience focused on stormwater and water resources management. Mr. Hinman is a leader and entrepreneur in developing new and innovative stormwater management programs based on his recent work at Washington State University focused on low impact development. He is recognized nationally as a low impact development expert and dedicated to finding practical solutions for protecting our fresh and marine waters. He was faculty with Washington State University Extension and the Department of Biological Systems Engineering, and was the University’s Green Stormwater Infrastructure Specialist. Curtis was the co-designer and lead scientist for the WSU Low Impact Development (LID) Research Program, which is one of the largest LID research facilities in the U.S. Hinman is the author of the “Low Impact Development Technical Guidance Manual for Puget Sound” and the “Rain Garden Handbook for Western Washington Homeowners.” Curtis also serves on national and regional advisory committees that develop stormwater management policy, technical guidelines and identify funding and research needs. He holds an M.S. in Environmental Studies (concentration in watershed ecology and management), Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies (1997) and a B.S. in Environmental Policy Analysis and Planning (specializations in lake ecology, water resource management, laws, and institutions), University of California at Davis (1994)