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Frank Jaeger is the District Manager of the Parker Water and Sanitation District (Parker) in Parker, Colorado, a position he has held since 1981. He has guided Parker from a community with 400 taps in 1981 to a growing Denver suburban area with more than 15,000 taps today and an expected buildout population of over 100,000 people. Through Mr. Jaeger’s leadership, Parker is currently building Rueter-Hess Reservoir, a 72,000 ac-ft reservoir, and he is taking a leading role in the development of sustainable water supplies for Parker and northeastern Douglas County. Mr. Jaeger developed the concept for the joint PWSD/CSU farm study. In 2005, the El Paso County Commissioners appointed Mr. Jaeger to the Metro Roundtable. Recently, he was appointed by Governor Owens to a three-year term on the Colorado Ground Water Commission.