Megdal, Sharon B

Author Description

Sharon Megdal, Ph.D. is Director of the University of Arizona Water Resources Research Center, Professor of Environmental Science, C.W. & Modene Neely Endowed Professor, and Distinguished Outreach Professor. Through her work she aims to bridge the academic, practitioner, and civil society communities through research, education, and engagement. Sharon has been working on recharge matters since she headed a regional water augmentation authority in the early 1990s. In addition to numerous publications, her managed aquifer recharge contributions include working to establish multiple recharge projects in Pima County, Arizona. During her entire 12-year service as an elected board member of the Central Arizona Project (2009-2020), she served on the Board’s CAGRD and Underground Storage Committee, elected by her peers to chair the committee for her last five years on the Board. I am grateful for these opportunities and for the opportunity to work with the wonderful, dedicated collaborators who make up the MAR community.

Authored Reports

Water and the Environment - The Role of Ecosystem Restoration|Agricultural Water to Municipal Use: The Legal and Institutional Context for Voluntary Transactions in Arizona|Arizona Groundwater Management|Regional Water Management Cooperation: Study Compar