Author Description
Cherise Oram practices federal environmental and natural resources law with an emphasis on endangered species and hydropower dam relicensing issues. Ms. Oram represents a variety of public and private interests, including: utilities; ports, developers; commercial fishers; oil and gas interests; and the forestry industry in complex permitting matters. She has broad experience on issues arising under the Endangered Species Act, Federal Power Act, Marine Mammal Protection Act, Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, National Environmental Policy Act, Clean Water Act and Administrative Procedure Act. Her prior legal experience includes: Attorney, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office of the General Counsel, Southwest Regional Office (1998-2000); law clerk, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office of the General Counsel, Headquarters (1996); law clerk, United States Attorney’s Office, Seattle (1995). Ms. Oram is Chair of the ABA Endangered Species Committee; Vice-Chair, ABA Hydropower Committee; a past participant in the Interagency Task Force to Improve Hydroelectric Licensing Process (1999-2000); and a member of both the National Hydropower Association and the Northwest Hydroelectric Association.