Author Description
Martha Pagel is a shareholder in the regional law firm of Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt, where she focuses her practice on water law and natural resources. She was legal counsel to the Umatilla Basin Water Coalition in drafting the Intergovernmental Agreement to form the Umatilla Basin Water Commission, and she currently serves as legal counsel to the Commission. Before entering private law practice in 2000, she served as Director of the Oregon Water Resources Department and as Director of the Oregon Department of State Lands. She is a recognized leader in Western water law and policy and recently served as arbitrator for the states of Colorado, Kansas and Nebraska in a dispute involving use of hydraulically connected ground water under an Interstate Compact for the Republican River.
Authored Reports
Hydroelectric Project Reauthorization: FERC and Oregon Process,New Water Management Model: The Umatilla Basin Water Commission - Counties, Irrigation District & Confederated Tribes Form Administrative Body,Umatilla Basin Aquifer Restoration Project: New M