Author Description
Chris Pitre is a principal owner of Coho Water Resources based in Seattle. His clients include the public and private sectors as well as tribes. He is a licensed geologist and hydrogeologist and a certified water rights examiner (Washington), with degrees in geology, chemistry (Carleton University) and hydrogeology (University of Waterloo). He has practiced hydrogeology and integrated water resources management in the Pacific Northwest since 1992, with two years (2011-2012) in Australia. He managed watershed planning projects in approximately a dozen watersheds across Washington State (2001-2010). His practice areas include: water rights; groundwater supply wells; watershed planning; wastewater management; reclaimed water; and expert witness services. He is currently involved in the installation of large municipal wells in the Yakima Valley and processing of a new water right application in a 203 watershed.
Authored Reports
Interview of Maia Bellon, Director of the Washington State Depart. of Ecology,Aquifer Storage & Recovery - An Important Tool for Western States: Permitting Developments & Opportunities in Washington,Mitigating for Development - Exempt Well and Water Alloc