Author Description
Sean Porter is a Project Manager at APEX Companies, LLC. Sean specializes in water resource services with a background in stormwater, wastewater, urban and natural landscape, creek watershed studies, and groundwater. He is an expert in receiving water, stormwater, and wastewater monitoring, NPDES permit program requirements, ASBS discharge requirements, evaluation of facility stormwater pollution prevention plans (SWPPPs), total maximum daily loads (TMDLs) allocations and monitoring, and public funded research-driven watershed studies. His 18 years of experience includes designing and implementing large-scale water quality and sediment monitoring programs for regional stormwater monitoring programs for state, municipal, transportation, federal, and low-impact development. Sean is an Industrial General Permit (IGP) Trainer of Record (ToR) and Qualified Industrial Stormwater Practitioner (QISP), and qualified Compliance Group Leader (CGL). He develops innovative solutions that maximize efficiency, enhance safety, increase responsiveness, and provide quality results.