Author Description
Kathy Robb is the founder of Robb Water Partners, LLC, a consultancy focusing on water law and policy, and a founding director of BlueCommons, Inc., a community Blue Bank. A nationally-recognized lawyer in water law and policy, she worked for over 35 years in private practice on water-driven litigation, and transactions and sustainability, representing water districts, investors, developers, lenders, energy companies, industrial and paper companies, and chemical companies across the US in state, federal and the US Supreme courts. Her work as a partner in a large law firm, where she co-headed the environmental practice, included contaminated river and groundwater sites, regulatory policy issues, and endangered species. From January, 2020 to May, 2021, she served as the CEO of Blue Access LLC, a sustainable finance company focused on water. She has co-founded four environmental-related non-profit organizations, and is currently the chair of the Environmental Law Institute’s Leadership Council in Washington, DC, after serving on its board; chair of the National Water Law Forum; and Vice-Chair of the Waterfront Alliance in New York City. She was elected to the American College of Environmental Lawyers in 2016, and named as a “Sustainable 100” by New York’s City and State in 2017. Her most recent projects include a comprehensive White Paper on Rio Grande Water Deliveries, prepared for the US International Boundary and Water Commission and posted in March 2023 (www.ibwc.gov).
Authored Reports
Endangered Species Act, Take, and Water: The Aransas Project v. Shaw, et al.,Groundwater & the Clean Water Act: Murky Waters — Are Indirect Discharges to Groundwater Regulated Under the CWA? Hawai’i Wildlife Fund, et al. v. County of Maui,,Groundwater and