Author Description
Kathryn Sorenson is the Director of the City of Phoenix Water Services Department. Kathryn oversees one of the largest potable water utilities in the United States, which treats and reliably delivers high quality tap water to 1.6 million customers throughout approximately 540 square miles. Phoenix Water Services also reclaims wastewater for 2.5 million residents in the Valley of the Sun. Kathryn has a PhD in Resource Economics and a Bachelor of Arts in Economics. She serves as a member of the Arizona Water Banking Authority Commission, an Advisory Committee member of Arizona State University’s Decision Center for a Desert City, as a member of the State of Arizona’s Colorado River Advisory Committee, on the Board of Advisors of the Kyl Center for Water Policy at Morrison Institute, as an Advisory Committee member of the Water Resources Research Center, on the Board of Directors of the Water Research Foundation, on the Board of Directors of the Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies, and as a member of the Rates and Charges Subcommittee of the American Water Works Association.