Author Description
Roderick E. Walston practices law with Best Best & Krieger LLP, of Walnut Creek, California. He has served as Acting Solicitor and Deputy Solicitor of the US Department of the Interior; as California’s Chief Assistant Attorney General in charge of the Public Rights Division; and as General Counsel for the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. As a California Deputy Attorney General, he argued many major water law cases in the US Supreme Court. He wrote an amicus brief on behalf of major water interests, and the States of Alaska and Utah, in the Rapanos and Carabell cases.
Authored Reports
Supreme Court Decides Wetlands Cases Rapanos & Carabell,Takings & Water Rights - Applicability of the Takings Clause to Water Rights Regulations: Recent Developments in the Federal Circuit,Public Trust Doctrine & Water Rights (The Walker River Case): Does