Author Description
Walter Mugdan, serves as Deputy Regional Administrator of the Region 2 office of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), located in New York City. During the 2021 presidential
transition period he served as Acting Regional Administrator. From 2008-2017 he was Director of the Emergency and Remedial Response Division, heading up a staff of over 200 employees responsible for the Region’s “Superfund” toxic waste cleanup, emergency preparedness and response, and brownfields programs. From 2002-2008 he headed the Region’s Division of Environmental Planning & Protection, where his staff of about 180 scientists, engineers and planners managed the Region’s air, water, hazardous waste and environmental review programs. Prior to that appointment, he served as Deputy Regional Counsel and then Regional Counsel for Region 2, where he headed a staff of 80 attorneys. He joined EPA in 1975 as a staff attorney, and subsequently served in various supervisory positions in the Office of Regional Counsel, including chief of the units responsible for Superfund, RCRA, TSCA, FIFRA and the Clean Air Act. He has authored numerous publications on environmental law topics, particularly on hazardous waste regulation and remediation.