Author Description
James G. Workman has developed policy and communications strategies on controversial water, dams and natural resources issues for: heads of state like Nelson Mandela; businesses like Bechtel; and NGOs like The World Economic Forum and The World Conservation Union. For six years as Special Assistant to US Secretary of the Interior Bruce Babbitt he pioneered dozens of consensus-based dam removals. He then became Senior Advisor to the World Commission on Dams where he synthesized the words and experiences of a global spectrum of competing interests. His Botswana-based Confluence developed comprehensive watershedbased strategies in southern Africa, western India and Southeast Asia. He has edited Tsodilo Hills: Mountain of the Gods, and is currently writing Heart of Dryness: A true story about the end of water. He works in San Francisco where he is establishing DamBroker, a business founded on the principles described here. He welcomes questions and comments.