Farmers and Tribes Reach ‘Historic’ Klamath River Deal

The Klamath Basin stakeholders, including farmers, tribes, and the Department of Interior, have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to collaborate on improving the ecosystem and water security in the region.

This agreement marks a significant shift from past years of disputes, with all parties committing to work together.

The MOU outlines several key points:

  • Joint efforts: All parties will work on both ecological restoration and securing water supplies for agriculture.
  • $72 million investment: The Biden administration will allocate funds for infrastructure modernization and other projects in the basin.
  • Prioritizing restoration: The parties will identify and implement short-term restoration projects within one to two years.
  • Long-term focus: The agreement emphasizes long-term ecological restoration to benefit both water quality and water security.
  • Klamath Project: While not directly addressed, the MOU could positively impact efforts to update the project's operation plans.

The Klamath Basin stakeholders will meet within 30 days to identify specific restoration projects. The Bureau of Reclamation is also expected to announce additional funding for agricultural water users.

Find out more about the MOU between the farmers, tribes and the Department of Interior here.

This collaborative approach offers hope for a more sustainable future for the Klamath River and the communities that depend on it.

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Shaina Shay is an accomplished water professional with over a decade of experience in water policy, management, conservation, and community outreach. Her passion for pragmatic information sharing drives her work across the U.S. and Australia, where she has held roles with investor-owned utilities and as a senior water market specialist. Shaina's commitment to the field is reflected in her leadership positions within the American Water Works Association (AWWA), American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), and the Southern Arizona Water Users Association (SAWUA).